My Story
On June 19th 1977, my parents married in England. In pursuit of blessings and to start a family, they moved to Israel. My father, Jonathan, worked as an aircraft engineer in Arkia while my mother, Pearl, worked as a secretary in Tel Aviv. Despite their best efforts to begin a family, they were unable to conceive for nine years, visiting numerous doctors and suffering through two miscarriages.
The couple were seeking a blessing from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
They recieved it in the form of a letter.
Their prayers were answered and fortunate for me on July 30th 1986 (כ״ג תמוז תשמ״ו) in Meir Hospital, Kfar Saba I was born.
My feet had abnormally overcrowded toes, but luckily for me the doctor on shift at my delivery was a foot specialist who knew to provide me with specially made casts and shoes to correct the issue.

My dad got a job opportunity at an airline and we moved to Toronto, Canada in 1990.
My family moved into a basement apartment, then the airline they had been relying on suddenly went bankrupt. Thankfully, it was not long before it had restructured and become a successful business. We moved into a home at Don Mills and Steeles. I attended Associated Hebrew School until the fourth grade, before transitioning to public school. We then relocated to Richmond Hill and Thornhill, and I began my studies at Westminster Public School and eventually joined the grade 8 basketball team and performed well in track and field school events. Thankfully with out ever having any foot pain.
I attended Vaughan Secondary School
I had a great high school experience, enjoying classes in Exercise Science and International Business while also playing sports and socializing with friends. I had the opportunity to DJ bar mitzvahs and other events. When I was fifteen, my parents began to observe Shabbat. One day, my mom gave my dad some cassette tapes that she thought contained Israeli music. To his surprise, it was actually Torah classes, and he found them so enjoyable that he began listening to more.

Growing up, I was taught to pursue my passions, and I did. I found the study of the human body to be the most captivating, and thus decided to pursue a degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science) at York University in Toronto. The program included courses in anatomy, nutrition, physiology, bio-mechanics, and more. During my third year, I encountered an old acquaintance who recommended that I attend weekly Torah classes. I said "but Jane, you're not even Jewish!" and she said she was converting. She assured me that the rabbi was "cool and wears color and doesn't have a beard" and... offered $50 for each class. I said "I'm in." I applied and got an interview. I met with the Rabbi and his wife Mark and Rachel Zelunka and was amazed by their charisma and passion for Judaism. They were smiling, slim and dressed well. I asked them if they were reform because most of the orthodox Jews I knew at the time wore black and white and were out of shape. I was accepted to Aish HaTorah's Maimonides Jewish Leadership program. From the first class, I was astounded by its quality, and my soul felt 10 feet tall throughout every lesson. Afterward, Aish sent me to Poland and Israel with the group. The most impactful experience, however, was during the summer of 2006 at Heritage Retreats in Santa Barbara, California, where we stayed on Ray Krocs' property in the mountains. During the trip, Rabbi Lawrence Keleman, a graduate of Harvard and UCLA and author of a thesis that all religions are false, gave us a lecture which profoundly changed my outlook. He had spent over six years researching and eventually concluded that one religion was indeed true - Judaism. He explained the idea of revelation at Mount Sinai and how it was impossible to fabricate such an event witnessed by three million people. I was convinced that G-d and the Torah were real and, following my degree, I decided to attend Yeshiva to further my studies.

I enrolled in Aish HaTorah Yeshiva in the Ancient City of Jerusalem.
For six months of the year, I dedicated myself to Torah study at yeshiva. During this time, I studied the Chumash, Talmud, Prophets, mussar (self improvement) and learned how to properly pray. This experience was a very important part of my life, and looking back, I am certain that becoming Torah observant was the best decision I ever made. It gave me the foundation I needed to form the future I wanted. Subsequently, I spent five months at an ulpan on a religious Kibbutz called Sde Eliyahu. I studied Hebrew while working the land setting up water irrigation systems for their crops. I met lone soldiers at the kibbutz that inspired me to make aliyah (move to Israel).

I went back to Canada for a few months in 2009 to make some money before relocating to Israel. My dad offered me a job at the airport for low pay. I declined saying I could do better. I was debating what to do for work. I had exercised between 4-5 days a week on average the year in Israel both in yeshiva and kibbutz. I figured my idea of being a physiotherapist would need some adjusting. I asked myself "how I could help heal people another way while applying my love of exercise and begin making money?" I could work as a trainer and help people get fit, strong and lose weight. So I studied how to be trainer, bought weights and a mat spending a lot more than I had planned. I took photos in my hotel room doing start and end positions for just about every exercise you can do with dumbbells and made a binder I called "my office". I figured to get business I'd knock on doors because this way clients are near each other, reducing travel times. My plan was to go to a religious neighborhood to seek clients, the reality was different. I drove to an upscale, but less religious neighborhood thinking I'd do better. I got out the car and began walking to the first home I'd knock on. Then I realized I was wearing my kippah. I had this internal debate about who I was and what I was doing. I thought if I wear a kippah in this neighborhood while knocking on doors I'd spook away prospects. So I put the kippa back in my car and for the first time in my life I felt awkward with it off, it was usually the other way around. I knocked on the first door and an elderly man answered the door. I studdered and asked him if he wanted me to train him. He said he had a gym membership and closed the door. I went from one door to the next and got rejected. One person after another said no. I went back to the hotel and felt very disappointed and heart broken. I thought maybe this is all a mistake.
So I called a personal trainer friend from university that was doing well and told him how I failed and asked what I was doing wrong. He said start with very cheap pricing and guarantee results. So the next day I drove back and this time went to the religious neighborhood to focus on training men. I knocked on my first door and an obese man wearing black pants and a white button up shirt answered the door. In my head I thought "OMG this is the guy! I can get this guy fit." I gave my pitch offering him to get into the best shape of his life and lose weight, anytime, for a cheap. When he heard how low I was asking he asked if I was crazy. I said I was crazy and I want the money to move to Israel, go to yeshiva and start my life. He said he would ask his wife in the kitchen. He walked on over and began whispering. The walls are made thin in Canada, it felt like they were whispering in my ear. She listened to his plea and said "don't do it. He's a con artist trying to steal our money. Tell him "no!"
He walked on back with his head looking down and said "sorry but no" I said "this is amazing." He said, "I said no".
I said this is amazing.
He asked "why is this amazing?"
I said "because a minute ago you were interested to lose weight and get fit and now your're not because you think I'm lying. Well I have good news, I lifted up my hat and showed him my kippah and pulled out my tzitzits and said this is real and so is my degree in Exercise Science. I worked hard for it and earned it. It would give me joy if you would call my university to verify." His wife heard every word. She called out "do it Shmuli."
I closed my first deal! I was ecstatic and felt invincible.
So I walked on over to his neighbor who was reversing his car with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding the phone. It wasn't the ideal time. I knocked on his glass window anyway. He was startled and pointed at his phone indicating he was on a call. I said I would be 60 seconds. I rolled down the window and there I was saying my pitch. He got off the phone and looked me in the eye and said "you remind me of me when I was a kid. I have a gym membership but I like you. I'll train with you on one condition" and he set the price (at a much better one). I agreed. Closed my second deal. This person told everyone about me and my training business took off.
After a few months I saved up some money, said my goodbyes to new and old friends and moved to Israel.

I went back to yeshiva again, this time to a place with other new immigrants (olim) and an accredited ulpan. I went to Machon Meir and then to Yechaveh Daat in Har Nof with Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Levy. I gained a lot of wisdom and tools to be a better human, Jew and one day husband.
It was important for me to serve in the IDF because Israel needs defending from it's enemies. It was important I did my part. I was blessed to have served doing exercise research on the Wingate base.
After the army I got more experience working in gyms.
I met a special woman named Rivka and we got married January 19th 2009.

I opened a fitness studio in Raanana.
I had to start all over again. This time I advertised and began getting clients. People lost weight, got healthier and I got very busy training over the years.
Unfortunately I got injured along my journey and got chronic pain in my back that lasted 12 years. About a year ago I figured out a way to completely heal myself with stretching.
Then I had an epiphany and thought if I met G-d and He asked me if I had tried to get the Jewish people fit and I answered no because I was focused on one on one and small group training. He said you didn't try your best and you're asking me for Olam Habah and rewards. I got the message - to try harder.
So here I am on a new mission. I've trained soldiers, CEO's, athletes, rich, famous, young, old, disabled, and ill. They all improved their health, strength and fitness levels.
Now it's your turn.
I use a science based approach and am results driven.
When you succeed I succeed.
So let's go! Come try. I'll make it fun and give over uplifting divrei Torah and motivational stories in the workouts. I'll teach you how to live a healthy active lifestyle, eat healthier, exercise smarter, make you happier, give you more energy and add more good years to your life.