What to Expect
At our online nutrition class, we gather virtually to learn about essential topics that were unfortunately not taught in elementary school. We are excited to bridge the knowledge gap and equip ourselves with the necessary tools for making informed and healthy food choices.
As the class begins, we delve into the concept of macronutrients. We learn about the three main macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Understanding their functions and sources, we realize that a balanced intake of these nutrients is crucial for our overall health.
Next, we focus on building a balanced plate. We are taught that a well-rounded meal should include a proper balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and an assortment of colorful fruits and vegetables. Our instructor emphasizes the importance of portion control and highlights the significance of including a variety of foods in our diet.
To further enhance our nutritional comprehension, we learn how to effectively read a nutrition table. We become adept at analyzing the macronutrient breakdown, calorie content, and serving sizes listed on food labels. Armed with this knowledge, we can now make more informed decisions when shopping for groceries and planning meals.
Our instructor also educates us on the importance of mindful eating and adopting a regular eating schedule. We explore the benefits of eating at set times, such as stabilizing blood sugar levels and promoting healthy digestion. We discover that listening to our bodies and eating when we are truly hungry can positively impact our overall well-being.
Moreover, we study the fascinating practices of societies that have the longest lifespans. We explore the dietary patterns of communities such as the Blue Zones, recognizing their emphasis on whole foods, and plant-based diets. We draw inspiration from their lifestyle choices, seeking to incorporate elements of their longevity-promoting habits into our own lives.
Finally, we learn about body types and the concept of individualized nutrition. Our instructor emphasizes that each person's nutritional needs may vary, so experiment and try things out and see how your body reacts.
Class Duration: 70 Minutes
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